Many faculty members at UMBC would agree with Alice Walker that “activism is my rent for living on the planet.” If this rings true for you then you may find the resources listed below useful.
Get Involved at UMBC
The Center for Democracy and Civic Life helps people develop the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to create healthy communities and tackle challenges together. Our work builds from the premise that civic life encompasses everyday settings and relationships through which people can generate the power to shape their world.
Retriever Essentials is a faculty, staff and student partnership to tackle food insecurity in our university community.
The Women’s Center at UMBC advances gender equity from an intersectional feminist perspective through co-curricular programming, support services, and advocacy for marginalized individuals and communities. We prioritize critical social justice as our common value, with a deliberate focus on women, gender, anti-racism, and feminism.
Get Involved in your Neighborhood
BALT is an organization dedicated to politically-conscious lawyering and to using creative, collective solutions to support the Movement for Black Lives in Baltimore.
CLLCTIVLY is a place-based social change organization centering black genius, narrative power, social networks, and resource mobilization.
Howard County Community Groups
Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle is a grassroots think-tank located in Baltimore, Maryland. We are a group of Baltimore residents dedicated to creating transformative public policy. Our vision is to drastically improve the conditions of Black people in the Baltimore-Metropolitian Region.
Get Involved in Maryland
Audubon Society of Central Maryland
Chesapeake Climate Action Network
Giving Compass helps individual donors learn about issues, get involved, and give to community-led change.